Friday, November 2, 2007

The Power of Comma

A classic example of the considerable power the tiny comma wields in the battle between clarity and confusion concerns Maria Fedorova, philanthropic wife of Czar Alexander III of Russia. Intercepting in 1921 an Imperial Warrant for prisoner which read "Pardon impossible, to be sent to Siberia," the Czarina deftly transposed the comma, and returned the warrant. It now read: "Pardon, impossible to send to Siberia". The prisoner was saved.

Credit:PDI May 27, 1996

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Kamayo Patriot

Kamayo Patriot

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Kamayo or Kinamayo is a dialect spoken in the area of Bislig City, in the Southeastern Philippines. An interesting word in Kamayo is "inday", which means literally "I don't know". Who links to my website?


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